REVIEW: Malled to Death by Laura DiSilverio

Malled to Death A Mall Cop Mystery by Laura DiSilverio

This is book 3 in the series and I enjoyed it quite a bit. EJ is a likable character and her family is a total hoot! Grandpa is back in this one and up to his usual mysterious shenanigans. He is helping EJ solve yet another Fernglen Galleria murder-this has to be the worst place to shop ever! Also on scene is EJ’s movie star dad, filming an action movie in the mall. When the props master is found murdered, EJ must figure out who wanted her dead and why-before her family become the next targets.

The mystery in this one totally fooled me! I was sure about 1/3 of the way in that I knew the answer, I kept telling the book why doesn’t EJ know that it’s *, then I got to the end and wow, I did NOT see that coming!! So good!!

There are some interesting subplots including one that deal with FINALLY a love connection for EJ-this is book three, it’s about time! That’s really my only criticism of this series-it moves sloooooowly.
The writing is very good, the characters are fully developed and believable, there is even a cat! But at times it’s like molasses wading through all the extra angst & scenery chewing to get to the meat of the story.

I do like the inclusion of EJ’s injury from Afghanistan and how she is dealing with not just the physical but also her mental recovery. She is such a believable character and her disability is part of the character: her leg gets tired and her knee gives out etc. EJ also acts like a mall cop most of the time-staying out of the way, calling the regular cops in when something happens and not snooping too much. There is a tantalizing thread left dangling that has to do with super secret spy type stuff that I can’t wait to read about in the next book. I recommend this series.

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