Great book! Let me start by saying this; you know how I am always whining about FORMULA BOOKS. If you want to write a book just Google and there are literally thousands of outlines that you can follow and write a book. Most of the time, I read one and it sticks so closely to a bad outline that it makes my eye twitch and I say nay, nay-1 star. But, sometimes, the outline is good and the author has some real talent and you get a book like Bad Housekeeping.
Let’s count off the main points:
Unconventional heroine-check.
Eccentric family member with mysterious back story (Great Aunt Effie!)-check.
Dumped by boyfriend/moves back home where Dad is the Mayor-check.
Effie is trying to rebuild the town eyesore/old Stagecoach Inn into a boutique hotel-check.
Old flame shows up looking hotsie totsie-check.
Wacky cousin and fun friend-check.
Argues with random person later found MURDERED-check.
Agnes & Effie are now the number one suspects and team up to solve the murder before the cops fit them for matching handcuffs-check.
So, basically, we’ve all read this book before; but no, the twists and humor are so much fun in this one. I liked it and there were so many things going on and who names characters Agnes & Effie? Great names. And oh, my gosh, all the food! This is the hungriest main character I’ve read in a long time and I love it-finally, a heroine for the rest of us. The murder was fairly mysterious and the clues led all over the place. Car chases, people with guns!, interesting townfsolk characters to move things along and keep us guessing. Just when I thought it was over, bam, something else happened. And, yes, there is a cat. 4 big fat stars and I’m waiting for the next one to hit my library account.