I’m late to the party on this series-this is book one of fifteen (sixteen is due out in October). I enjoyed the story. Lady Emily is a young widow who solves a mystery in Victorian England. The plot twist is that she only married her husband to get away from her overbearing mother; when he dies unexpectedly she is free and exceedingly wealthy. The story took a long time to get going but it was interesting and Lady Emily is a great character. There were some parts where she did dumb things but I guess in the Victorian world you couldn’t just tell men to sit down and shut up! Lady Emily does have moxie and she isn’t afraid to shock London society. I especially liked the parts where she was learning about her husband since she didn’t get to know him before he died. The mystery was good, I got lost in some of the Greek stuff but that, as always, is my attention span and not the fault of the author. I’m looking forward to reading more in this series.