3 stars. Book two in the series. Good plot, interesting characters. It was a bit disconcerting at first as some things that happened in book one and were not a big deal, suddenly in this one they are. So we get to navigate all that mess that is of course resolved the same way it was in the first book. Not sure what happened there unless the editor said add some tension between the characters? But, like I say, not a big deal and it was handled fairly smoothly. If you didn’t read the first one you won’t even notice. In this book, Isabella is now the owner of the Portsmouth Apothecary and learning to run her business. Of course, there is a murder (or two!) and she finds herself in the middle of yet another investigation. Detective Palmer is still his cute self but not as ‘into’ Isabella this time so she is going to have to work at it to land this handsome cop. Her cousins and family are still hilarious and jump right in with her to solve the murders. This one had more witchy stuff and there is an awesome cat. Fast read and I enjoyed it so on to book three.