This was a fun little two star book. In book one of the Fatal series, Kiley debunks fortune tellers etc in her newspaper column. The one she can’t seem to catch is Jack McCain. Need we say con man Jack is very dishy and quite awesome? When Kiley buys a big old house at a bargain price, we all know how the plot will go: ice cold air, things moving on their own, and a death threat written in blood on a foggy mirror. Gee, I wonder what’s going on? Okay, it is basic but it’s pretty good. The banter was good, the romance was fairly smoothly written-a little over the top but I just skipped those parts. Both characters have secrets that are glossed over and never really make much of an impact on them or the story. The big issue I had with the book was the language. I felt like Maggie Shayne doesn’t cuss in real life and just sort of scattered it around; it was weird. I liked the characters and how this book ended with an interesting setup for the next book in the series. I will add it to my library list.