3 stars. Ruth is on the worst cruise ever! She is a freelance food consultant and goes on a pre-launch yacht cruise where everything goes wrong. This is pretty much a “locked room” “stranded at sea” book but that’s not a bad thing-the author (Peter Jay Black) does some nifty things that really hooked me into the book. It did take a while to get through the character introductions and scene setting but the story moved right along after that. The middle got a bit bogged down and there were some confusing things that kind of/sort of made sense at the end. The characters were a mishmash-some well done and a couple that were over the top and easy to figure out why they were there and doing what they did. But, overall, I enjoyed the book and did not see the ending coming-as usual I was the last to figure it out. Ruth is an awesome character and I look forward to more of her adventures as the series continues. I received a copy and this is my own opinion. #NetGalley