Some elements in this graphic are courtesy of Sophkins and Pixabay-THANK YOU!

Welcome back to First Chapter Friday! This was a topic I used years ago on the old blog. It’s just a fun way to take a quick look at some randomly chosen books and read the first chapter then give you, dear reader, my thoughts. These choices were pretty good, let’s get into it:

Baldacci never disappoints-the first chapter had me clutching my pearls, it was so good. I was way into chapter four before I remembered I was supposed to stop at one, so definitely grab your copy and tuck in.

Cat Scratch Murder was fun. This is book one of a new series set in Florida with witches, ghosts and CATS, lots of cats. It’s available (right now at least) on Kindle Unlimited so the usual typos and formatting issues but the story is good, the characters are likable. First book jitters show through but very readable and I’m going to finish it.

India Holton gives us book three in her Dangerous Damsels series with The Secret Service of Tea and Treason. Spies, witches, pirates, assassination plots-oh, my! This is one of the most fun series out there. Spans genres (cozy, historical fiction, fantasy, etc) and is absolutely wonderful. Just released in April so libraries should have plenty of copies.

The only …meh… for me was The Rising: Awakening. Family secrets, greed, vampires and Egyptology. Sounds great but the first chapter was sooo slow. The reviews are mostly positive and the author, D. Ann Hall, sends out the most wonderful emails with her newsletters, so I hope as the book progresses it gets tighter. I’ll hang in there with it because, as I always say, it might not be the book for me but it will be the book for someone.

First Chapter Friday will appear the first Friday of each month. Share your thoughts in the comments. Now, we ‘otter’ get back to reading!!

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