4 stars. Exciting thrill ride that never lets up. It starts with an attack on a secret service agent inside the White House; suddenly, the government is under attack and the conspiracy could go all the way to the top. The President is moved to safety in a secret underground complex. Only the top level, most trusted people are allowed inside-but have they locked the killer in with them? With no way out and no way to know who is a friend and who is an enemy; time is running out. Gripping, thrilling and way too plausible given our current political climate. I was on the edge of my seat all the way to the end. The secrets, lies and betrayals went on and on. The ending was crazy and the whole book was way, way over the top and in a good way. It reads like a script for a Hollywood blockbuster and I hope one day it comes to the screen. I give Inside Threat four well deserved stars. I was given a copy, this is my own opinion.