I Am Homeless If This Is Not My Home by Lorrie Moore
I wanted to love this book. Moore has such an amazing writing style, I read most of the first part of it out loud just because the way the words flowed off the tongue wasContinue Reading
I wanted to love this book. Moore has such an amazing writing style, I read most of the first part of it out loud just because the way the words flowed off the tongue wasContinue Reading
4 stars. Fergus is a sort of repo man who finds things in this most excellent space opera. Lots of world building to set up the plot. Interesting and quirky characters that have some funnyContinue Reading
Here we are, dear reader, two weeks out from our new feature of First Chapter Friday. If you recall, I was reading the first chapter of some random books on my list and giving youContinue Reading
“Our babies will be smart and beautiful.” “Bazinga”. “Penny, Penny, Penny.” You love the show, know all the catchphrases, and think you know every detail about The Big Bang Theory. Well, guess “whats up, Buttercup?”,Continue Reading
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