Three sad stars for this one in which Lady Emily and family head to Scotland where they encounter murder and general unpleasantness. Top marks for scene setting and putting the reader into a “Highland” mood; that is the best part of the book. The story itself drags along with way too many annoying children and servants popping in and out. I can only assume it is an attempt to distract the reader from the thin plot and dumb mystery. I skipped the alternating chapters, assuming they will add nothing (they never do) and confuse the reader who is desperately searching for a connection to the main story (there isn’t). I was given a copy so my own opinion is that while I tried to find something to love about the book it was not an enjoyable read for me.
We are 17 books into this series and it has been so hit or miss as to quality of storytelling. Tasha Alexander is a really good writer-just read the author’s notes. Don’t read the actual books, dear reader. Just get the book from the library (never pay retail for one of these!) and immediately turn to the back and read the author’s notes, then return the book.
Sadly, this series has turned into a N’otter read-see what I did there? NOT READ. Sometimes I am so hilarious it hurts! So, let’s wrap up. This book is only for the very dedicated fans. Everyone else, let’s find something else to read.