Moon Over Soho by Ben Aaronovitch

Three stars for book two in the series. This one starts out creepy in the morgue, where Peter hears music, jazz actually, coming from a musician’s corpse. Great set up to a plot that sadly fizzles and becomes convoluted with too many twisty threads that never quite came together smoothly. There are some cool new paranormal folks that are good, bad and truly evil. The ongoing saga of Leslie as she recovers from the horrific injuries of book one drops an intriguing clue to the next book. I just got lost with all the characters and the subplot with Peter’s dad and ‘Jazz’ that was ignored until it became a big fat hairy deal that hooked the entire story line together. Overall, it was a good romp through London and better than 80% of the “paranormal” series out there. On to book three.

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