OOH-what a delightful surprise to find a new Flavia novel! Book sixteen does not disappoint. Our brilliant heroine is becoming a young lady whether she is ready or not. In this excellent story, Flavia encounters a vicious murder that involves Mrs. Mullet. Undine is on hand for crazy antics that remind Flavia of someone…she just can’t figure who it is. It seems everyone at Buckshaw has secrets and Flavia uncovers a huge one that will turn everything she knows on its end. I enjoyed this book, it was darker than others in the series but very good. The plot moves right along. Alan Bradley is such a wonderful writer, the literary references and his writing style just pulls the reader in. I hope we see more of the Flavia series-they are at the top of my “OTTER” read list. I was given a copy but have to say I would gladly have paid to read it!