4 BIG FAT STARS! This book is so good-the rarely told tale of the ‘Truman Committee’. Exhaustively researched and well written. The details and extra little bits of not just the facts, but of theContinue Reading

4 big fat stars! Marvelous, detailed, engrossing. Sally Bedell Smith does it again with a very readable and approachable look at “The Marriage That Saved the Monarchy”. George VI and Elizabeth are revealed to beContinue Reading

4 stars! This book was good. Well written, lots of research that showed in the little details. Another one that reads like fiction but is really history. The King and ‘that woman’ did more shadyContinue Reading

Four big fat stars. Jane Ridley is such a good author. This book reads like a fictional novel instead of an historical biography. No dry prose, no lengthy dull lists of facts. Jane brings GeorgeContinue Reading