5 stars for book seven of my favorite series-The Murderbot Diaries. The basic plot is that Murderbot is not quite itself after the events of the last book. Even so, protecting its humans is stillContinue Reading

2 stars. Book 3 in the Andromeda Chronicle’s series by Becca Fox. I wanted to like the book because the blurb was so intriguing. You do get what is promised in the little summary butContinue Reading

4 big fat stars! You ‘OTTER’ be reading this book because it is great–Valerie Valdes has done it again! In this space adventure with a fantasy twist, Kel Garda, is a refugee of the PaleContinue Reading

Great story that continues from book one, You Sexy Thing. Here we find Niko and the gang running a pop-up restaurant in space-AGAIN while searching for Petalia-AGAIN. Oh, and also trying to take down nastyContinue Reading