2 stars. I don’t know-it was weird. I guess this is a YA-paranormal-urban fiction book; and it didn’t really work for me as any of them. The characters were interesting. Ropa is 14 in eitherContinue Reading

5 stars!!! This YA is the first in a trilogy that has been out for a while. I’m late getting started on it but WOW, am I glad I read it! Here’s the back storyContinue Reading

First Chapter Friday!!! I love this weekly post-I get to read the first chapter of various books, and give you my thoughts. I’ve found two great books that your kids “OTTER” be reading!!  Inspirational booksContinue Reading

Need some ideas for books for your 8-12 year old? You’re in the right place as I’ve read the first chapter in three YA/middle-grade books this week:   My first book up for First ChapterContinue Reading

Ah, Throwback Thursday is here again.  Join me on a trip to the (far distant) past of my childhood and some favorite books I read over & over and think you should, too: The Boxcar ChildrenContinue Reading