REVIEW: The Princes Fables by Marc Clark
4 stars. This little book was so good! Fairy tales with a modern twist. The stories are just the right length for bedtime reading. Marc Clark does a wonderful job making them true to life-spotContinue Reading
REVIEW: The Cowboy And The Vampire by Hays & McFall
3 stars Above average twist on the usual vampire romance story. I liked the character of Tucker and thought he ‘read’ true to life as a regular guy/cowboy trying to make sense of allContinue Reading
REVIEW: The Aunt Paradox by Chris Dolley
5 stars!! What ho!! This quick read was so good I read almost the entire thing aloud to everyone in the room! Witty, charming, urbane and clever, the more-than-slightly clueless Reginald Worcester and his automatonContinue Reading
REVIEW: Mad River by John Sandford
3 stars. Another swell outing with that effing Flowers. Plot summary can be wrapped up short & sweet: 3 young killers on a crime spree in Minnesota with much more to the story thanContinue Reading